Polar Portal ########################################################## Daily and accumulated surface mass budget and melt area is calculated using output from the DMI HARMONIE-AROME IGB model. This model is run daily for weather prediction purposes and the SMB model output is provided here purely for information purposes. While we do strive to provide data in near real-time, DMI takes no responsibility for any errors, gaps or other data deficiencies or any losses suffered as a result of these. The surface mass balance model is described in Langen et al., 2017 Liquid Water Flow and Retention on the Greenland Ice Sheet in the Regional Climate Model HIRHAM5: Local and Large-Scale Impacts , Frontiers in Earth Science, 4  (https://www.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/feart.2016.00110). PLEASE NOTE: Surface mass balance is a model product augmented with observations. In an initial set-up ("assimilation") step, the HARMONIE-AROME model makes a short term forecast which is compared to meteorological observations and, if necessary, slightly corrected. This observation-enhanced model field is then used as a basis to run the dedicated surface mass balance model. This implies that the real-time calculated surface mass balance depends on the underlying operational weather model. Operational models are routinely updated, and even though the results based on the different models resemble each other, they are not identical. As a consequence, time series of the calculated surface mass balances or the comparison of results from different years should be treated with some caution. Note that the long-term climatology used in the polarportal plots (the average period from 1981-2010) are based on similar output from a different climate model, HIRHAM5 also run at DMI using the ERA-Interim reanalysis (Mottram et al., 2017 Surface mass balance of the Greenland ice sheet in the regional climate model HIRHAM5: Present state and future prospects, Journal of Low Temperature Science, 75, 105-115: https://eprints.lib.hokudai.ac.jp/dspace/bitstream/2115/65106/1/12_105-115.pdf). However, the same SMB model is used to calculate melt and SMB for the background period so that the variables are comparable. Data from this constant version is also freely available to download (see: http://www.prudence.dmi.dk/data/temp/RUM/HIRHAM/Greenland/ERAI). Please acknowledge DMI/Polar Portal if you use this data in published works. We recommend that you contact us before working with the data to avoid possible misinterpretation. Many more variables are available and we can supply further data for scientific purposes. Please contact info@polarportal.dk. ########################################################## Date SMB(Gt/day) SMBacc(Gt) 20230901 5.902 5.9 20230902 9.893 15.8 20230903 3.048 18.8 20230904 2.224 21.1 20230905 2.047 23.1 20230906 0.440 23.6 20230907 1.738 25.3 20230908 2.152 27.4 20230909 3.063 30.5 20230910 1.815 32.3 20230911 0.458 32.8 20230912 -0.009 32.8 20230913 0.319 33.1 20230914 2.134 35.2 20230915 3.072 38.3 20230916 3.828 42.1 20230917 0.207 42.3 20230918 -0.114 42.2 20230919 -0.019 42.2 20230920 0.353 42.6 20230921 0.498 43.0 20230922 0.599 43.6 20230923 1.404 45.1 20230924 2.700 47.8 20230925 2.236 50.0 20230926 0.554 50.5 20230927 0.849 51.4 20230928 1.250 52.6 20230929 0.583 53.2 20230930 0.084 53.3 20231001 -0.113 53.2 20231002 0.271 53.5 20231003 0.322 53.8 20231004 -0.020 53.8 20231005 -0.145 53.6 20231006 2.124 55.7 20231007 6.662 62.4 20231008 6.676 69.1 20231009 3.288 72.4 20231010 2.746 75.1 20231011 2.423 77.5 20231012 0.827 78.4 20231013 3.445 81.8 20231014 5.360 87.2 20231015 2.214 89.4 20231016 1.978 91.4 20231017 5.620 97.0 20231018 12.080 109.1 20231019 8.837 117.9 20231020 7.577 125.5 20231021 4.385 129.9 20231022 1.244 131.1 20231023 1.157 132.3 20231024 0.732 133.0 20231025 0.047 133.0 20231026 1.431 134.5 20231027 3.833 138.3 20231028 3.844 142.2 20231029 3.200 145.4 20231030 3.202 148.6 20231031 6.642 155.2 20231101 4.946 160.1 20231102 1.337 161.5 20231103 0.698 162.2 20231104 0.359 162.5 20231105 0.344 162.9 20231106 1.158 164.0 20231107 1.788 165.8 20231108 2.212 168.0 20231109 1.805 169.8 20231110 0.418 170.3 20231111 0.383 170.6 20231112 1.128 171.8 20231113 4.871 176.6 20231114 1.994 178.6 20231115 2.628 181.3 20231116 1.237 182.5 20231117 0.529 183.0 20231118 0.996 184.0 20231119 2.533 186.6 20231120 6.399 193.0 20231121 4.628 197.6 20231122 1.627 199.2 20231123 2.799 202.0 20231124 4.237 206.2 20231125 5.618 211.9 20231126 10.446 222.3 20231127 5.651 228.0 20231128 1.196 229.2 20231129 -0.059 229.1 20231130 -0.049 229.1 20231201 0.510 229.6 20231202 0.106 229.7 20231203 0.243 229.9 20231204 0.425 230.3 20231205 0.212 230.6 20231206 2.260 232.8 20231207 1.231 234.0 20231208 0.792 234.8 20231209 0.395 235.2 20231210 1.174 236.4 20231211 2.476 238.9 20231212 3.680 242.6 20231213 2.229 244.8 20231214 3.412 248.2 20231215 3.687 251.9 20231216 1.541 253.4 20231217 0.557 254.0 20231218 1.494 255.5 20231219 3.912 259.4 20231220 2.386 261.8 20231221 0.454 262.2 20231222 0.177 262.4 20231223 0.048 262.5 20231224 0.403 262.9 20231225 0.573 263.4 20231226 0.481 263.9 20231227 0.439 264.4 20231228 0.528 264.9 20231229 0.420 265.3 20231230 0.311 265.6 20231231 0.509 266.1 20240101 0.411 266.5 20240102 0.245 266.8 20240103 0.893 267.7 20240104 2.172 269.8 20240105 1.632 271.5 20240106 3.154 274.6 20240107 5.601 280.2 20240108 6.858 287.1 20240109 7.784 294.9 20240110 9.404 304.3 20240111 6.363 310.6 20240112 0.541 311.2 20240113 0.639 311.8 20240114 3.515 315.3 20240115 0.371 315.7 20240116 0.334 316.0 20240117 0.706 316.7 20240118 1.098 317.8 20240119 1.491 319.3 20240120 1.248 320.6 20240121 0.651 321.2 20240122 1.602 322.8 20240123 1.265 324.1 20240124 1.047 325.1 20240125 0.893 326.0 20240126 1.415 327.4 20240127 0.940 328.4 20240128 1.139 329.5 20240129 1.391 330.9 20240130 0.823 331.7 20240131 1.865 333.6 20240201 2.201 335.8 20240202 2.727 338.5 20240203 0.659 339.2 20240204 0.299 339.5 20240205 0.026 339.5 20240206 0.095 339.6 20240207 1.164 340.8 20240208 1.331 342.1 20240209 0.811 342.9 20240210 1.871 344.8 20240211 1.320 346.1 20240212 1.135 347.2 20240213 1.586 348.8 20240214 0.911 349.7 20240215 0.754 350.5 20240216 0.954 351.5 20240217 2.855 354.3 20240218 2.189 356.5 20240219 3.099 359.6 20240220 3.663 363.3 20240221 1.645 364.9 20240222 0.895 365.8 20240223 0.396 366.2 20240224 1.192 367.4 20240225 3.941 371.3 20240226 1.273 372.6 20240227 0.695 373.3 20240228 1.305 374.6 20240229 0.996 375.6 20240301 3.334 378.9 20240302 6.809 385.7 20240303 2.388 388.1 20240304 2.912 391.0 20240305 3.582 394.6 20240306 6.597 401.2 20240307 8.354 409.6 20240308 4.505 414.1 20240309 4.916 419.0 20240310 5.498 424.5 20240311 1.967 426.5 20240312 0.360 426.8 20240313 0.578 427.4 20240314 0.695 428.1 20240315 0.629 428.7 20240316 0.256 429.0 20240317 0.171 429.1 20240318 0.159 429.3 20240319 0.795 430.1 20240320 1.239 431.3 20240321 0.686 432.0 20240322 0.222 432.2 20240323 1.119 433.4 20240324 1.362 434.7 20240325 1.739 436.5 20240326 2.387 438.9 20240327 1.055 439.9 20240328 0.855 440.8 20240329 0.476 441.2 20240330 0.143 441.4 20240331 0.121 441.5 20240401 1.082 442.6 20240402 3.135 445.7 20240403 1.332 447.1 20240404 0.832 447.9 20240405 0.628 448.5 20240406 0.267 448.8 20240407 0.704 449.5 20240408 0.576 450.1 20240409 0.311 450.4 20240410 0.442 450.8 20240411 0.456 451.3 20240412 1.098 452.4 20240413 1.307 453.7 20240414 0.782 454.5 20240415 1.886 456.3 20240416 2.353 458.7 20240417 0.419 459.1 20240418 0.486 459.6 20240419 1.712 461.3 20240420 2.601 463.9 20240421 2.231 466.1 20240422 2.164 468.3 20240423 5.666 474.0 20240424 4.728 478.7 20240425 1.626 480.3 20240426 2.749 483.1 20240427 1.839 484.9 20240428 1.265 486.2 20240429 0.968 487.1 20240430 2.256 489.4 20240501 0.873 490.3 20240502 1.272 491.5 20240503 1.081 492.6 20240503 1.084 492.6 20240504 1.781 494.4 20240505 1.925 496.3 20240506 2.157 498.5 20240507 1.689 500.2 20240508 0.920 501.1 20240509 1.081 502.2 20240510 1.645 503.8 20240511 0.751 504.6 20240512 1.182 505.8 20240513 2.506 508.3 20240514 1.453 509.7 20240515 1.133 510.9 20240516 1.000 511.9 20240517 0.515 512.4 20240518 0.627 513.0 20240519 0.813 513.8 20240520 0.191 514.0 20240521 0.396 514.4 20240522 0.167 514.6 20240523 0.111 514.7 20240524 0.721 515.4 20240525 4.785 520.2 20240526 5.200 525.4 20240527 1.884 527.3 20240528 3.281 530.5 20240529 4.800 535.3 20240530 2.722 538.1 20240531 4.901 543.0 20240601 3.099 546.1 20240602 2.031 548.1 20240603 0.663 548.8 20240604 0.765 549.5 20240605 1.124 550.7 20240606 3.623 554.3 20240607 3.766 558.0 20240608 2.148 560.2 20240609 2.440 562.6 20240610 3.721 566.4 20240611 3.845 570.2 20240612 3.974 574.2 20240613 1.641 575.8 20240614 0.702 576.5 20240615 1.199 577.7 20240616 -1.296 576.4 20240617 -0.879 575.5 20240618 -0.486 575.1