Polar Portal ########################################################## Daily and accumulated surface mass budget and melt area is calculated using output from the DMI HARMONIE-AROME IGB model. This model is run daily for weather prediction purposes and the SMB model output is provided here purely for information purposes. While we do strive to provide data in near real-time, DMI takes no responsibility for any errors, gaps or other data deficiencies or any losses suffered as a result of these. The surface mass balance model is described in Langen et al., 2017 Liquid Water Flow and Retention on the Greenland Ice Sheet in the Regional Climate Model HIRHAM5: Local and Large-Scale Impacts , Frontiers in Earth Science, 4  (https://www.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/feart.2016.00110). PLEASE NOTE: Surface mass balance is a model product augmented with observations. In an initial set-up ("assimilation") step, the HARMONIE-AROME model makes a short term forecast which is compared to meteorological observations and, if necessary, slightly corrected. This observation-enhanced model field is then used as a basis to run the dedicated surface mass balance model. This implies that the real-time calculated surface mass balance depends on the underlying operational weather model. Operational models are routinely updated, and even though the results based on the different models resemble each other, they are not identical. As a consequence, time series of the calculated surface mass balances or the comparison of results from different years should be treated with some caution. Note that the long-term climatology used in the polarportal plots (the average period from 1981-2010) are based on similar output from a different climate model, HIRHAM5 also run at DMI using the ERA-Interim reanalysis (Mottram et al., 2017 Surface mass balance of the Greenland ice sheet in the regional climate model HIRHAM5: Present state and future prospects, Journal of Low Temperature Science, 75, 105-115: https://eprints.lib.hokudai.ac.jp/dspace/bitstream/2115/65106/1/12_105-115.pdf). However, the same SMB model is used to calculate melt and SMB for the background period so that the variables are comparable. Data from this constant version is also freely available to download (see: http://www.prudence.dmi.dk/data/temp/RUM/HIRHAM/Greenland/ERAI). Please acknowledge DMI/Polar Portal if you use this data in published works. We recommend that you contact us before working with the data to avoid possible misinterpretation. Many more variables are available and we can supply further data for scientific purposes. Please contact info@polarportal.dk. ########################################################## Date MeltArea(%) 20180218 0.0640746 % 20180219 0.0270125 % 20180220 0.0792689 % 20180221 0.0809612 % 20180222 0.0455341 % 20180223 0.0759057 % 20180224 0.0981739 % 20180225 0.0809655 % 20180226 0.0343536 % 20180227 0.0102527 % 20180228 0.00337667 % 20180301 0.00337667 % 20180302 0.00169021 % 20180303 0 % 20180304 0 % 20180305 0 % 20180306 0 % 20180307 0 % 20180308 0 % 20180309 0 % 20180310 0 % 20180311 0 % 20180312 0 % 20180313 0 % 20180314 0 % 20180315 0 % 20180316 0 % 20180317 0.00170238 % 20180318 0.0273539 % 20180319 0.0802734 % 20180320 0.150281 % 20180321 0.105837 % 20180322 0.0204545 % 20180323 0.00339459 % 20180324 0 % 20180325 0.00171276 % 20180326 0.00171276 % 20180327 0.00171276 % 20180328 0.00342436 % 20180329 0.00339981 % 20180330 0.00340732 % 20180331 0.00172027 % 20180401 0.00172027 % 20180402 0 % 20180403 0 % 20180404 0 % 20180405 0 % 20180406 0 % 20180407 0.00172027 % 20180408 0.00172027 % 20180409 0.00343363 % 20180410 0.00859204 % 20180411 0.0343152 % 20180412 0.114749 % 20180413 0.088956 % 20180414 0.136914 % 20180415 0.229827 % 20180416 0.495788 % 20180417 1.08662 % 20180418 1.41248 % 20180419 1.63686 % 20180420 1.65004 % 20180421 1.48309 % 20180422 1.25175 % 20180423 1.1761 % 20180424 1.02027 % 20180425 0.733451 % 20180426 0.53052 % 20180427 0.446915 % 20180428 0.630726 % 20180429 0.56732 % 20180430 0.425921 % 20180501 0.454586 % 20180502 0.158182 % 20180503 0.129536 % 20180504 0.201208 % 20180505 0.187643 % 20180506 0.208286 % 20180507 0.133261 % 20180508 0.0853267 % 20180509 0.0699035 % 20180510 0.165725 % 20180511 0.21349 % 20180512 0.468242 % 20180513 0.805121 % 20180514 1.49292 % 20180515 1.90087 % 20180516 1.78404 % 20180517 1.94375 % 20180518 2.31913 % 20180519 2.32685 % 20180520 2.23899 % 20180521 2.1382 % 20180522 2.10699 % 20180523 2.37054 % 20180524 2.58305 % 20180525 2.4754 % 20180526 2.59664 % 20180527 2.69097 % 20180528 2.73531 % 20180529 2.76604 % 20180530 4.09332 % 20180531 5.29136 % 20180601 6.076 % 20180602 8.6978 % 20180603 12.3327 % 20180604 24.185 % 20180605 29.2637 % 20180606 32.7875 % 20180607 36.6028 % 20180608 37.146 % 20180609 37.1264 % 20180610 37.0047 % 20180611 36.948 % 20180612 36.9383 % 20180613 35.1902 % 20180614 32.2395 % 20180615 31.4316 % 20180616 28.3659 % 20180617 23.5578 % 20180618 22.7927 % 20180619 21.5356 % 20180620 20.4142 % 20180621 20.9633 % 20180622 23.224 % 20180623 24.1473 % 20180624 24.8213 % 20180625 25.1121 % 20180626 24.564 % 20180627 24.3725 % 20180628 24.4129 % 20180629 25.2718 % 20180630 25.7996 % 20180701 28.4675 % 20180702 27.6325 % 20180703 27.4591 % 20180704 28.181 % 20180705 28.7753 % 20180706 27.8799 % 20180707 27.8261 % 20180708 28.4943 % 20180709 28.6214 % 20180710 26.3158 % 20180711 29.2143 % 20180712 33.1512 % 20180713 33.807 % 20180714 33.8336 % 20180715 35.814 % 20180716 38.1474 % 20180717 41.6196 % 20180718 42.0756 % 20180719 39.7554 % 20180720 40.3074 % 20180721 33.94 % 20180722 23.1745 % 20180723 20.9357 % 20180724 21.5607 % 20180725 20.5779 % 20180726 21.3118 % 20180727 23.8267 % 20180728 24.8202 % 20180729 28.0071 % 20180730 39.9194 % 20180731 45.8947 % 20180801 44.8671 % 20180802 46.9958 % 20180803 44.0404 % 20180804 42.8197 % 20180805 41.5012 % 20180806 38.9605 % 20180807 38.2683 % 20180808 43.7366 % 20180809 45.0476 % 20180810 38.5176 % 20180811 38.1713 % 20180812 39.682 % 20180813 36.7642 % 20180814 31.5405 % 20180815 25.9695 % 20180816 20.8924 % 20180817 20.0338 % 20180818 19.0304 % 20180819 17.3788 % 20180820 14.7143 % 20180821 13.4557 % 20180822 11.3589 % 20180823 10.1258 % 20180824 10.1885 % 20180825 10.0092 % 20180826 8.84533 % 20180827 7.13722 % 20180828 6.43767 % 20180829 6.35283 % 20180830 6.21686 % 20180831 6.2872 % 20180901 5.78793 % 20180902 5.89344 % 20180903 5.97228 % 20180904 5.91812 % 20180905 6.06921 % 20180906 6.55821 % 20180907 7.38023 % 20180908 6.91585 % 20180909 7.42054 % 20180910 6.53225 % 20180911 6.01704 % 20180912 5.3124 % 20180913 5.13919 % 20180914 3.91514 % 20180915 2.47786 % 20180916 1.65271 % 20180917 1.74755 % 20180918 2.1383 % 20180919 0.775583 % 20180920 0.307407 % 20180921 0.136631 % 20180922 0.191558 % 20180923 0.551655 % 20180924 0.583781 % 20180925 0.232277 % 20180926 0.112881 % 20180927 0.810719 % 20180928 0.682766 % 20180929 0.376676 % 20180930 0.631759 % 20181001 0.212933 % 20181002 0.0835383 % 20181003 0.0358105 % 20181004 0.00679525 % 20181005 0.0221876 % 20181006 0.0391705 % 20181007 0.0221699 % 20181008 0.00168764 % 20181009 0.00339829 % 20181010 0.00168764 % 20181011 0 % 20181012 0.0205544 % 20181013 0.0153705 % 20181014 0.00171411 % 20181015 0 % 20181016 0 % 20181017 0 % 20181018 0 % 20181019 0 % 20181020 0 % 20181021 0 % 20181022 0 % 20181023 0 % 20181024 0 % 20181025 0 % 20181026 0.114565 % 20181027 0.136688 % 20181028 0.00171945 % 20181029 0.00168646 % 20181030 0.00168646 % 20181031 0.00843345 % 20181101 0.00168764 % 20181102 0.00168764 % 20181103 0 % 20181104 0 % 20181105 0.00168526 % 20181106 0 % 20181107 0.00171411 % 20181108 0.0154535 % 20181109 0.00513878 % 20181110 0 % 20181111 0 % 20181112 0 % 20181113 0 % 20181114 0 % 20181115 0 % 20181116 0 % 20181117 0.229941 % 20181118 0.290248 % 20181119 0.0428127 % 20181120 0.48043 % 20181121 0.00515836 % 20181122 0.00343914 % 20181123 0.00681009 % 20181124 0.0152977 % 20181125 0.0101758 % 20181126 0.00171969 % 20181127 0 % 20181128 0 % 20181129 0 % 20181130 0.00337291 % 20181201 0.00168734 % 20181202 0.0033726 % 20181203 0 % 20181204 0 % 20181205 0 % 20181206 0 % 20181207 0.0118065 % 20181208 0.0118065 % 20181209 0.00337409 % 20181210 0.0050643 % 20181211 0.00340455 % 20181212 0.00342635 % 20181213 0.00854279 % 20181214 0.00514588 % 20181215 0.00340455 % 20181216 0.00168764 % 20181217 0.00168793 % 20181218 0.00168793 % 20181219 0.00171359 % 20181220 0 % 20181221 0 % 20181222 0 % 20181223 0.0119546 % 20181224 0.0477767 % 20181225 0.00340794 % 20181226 0.00168764 % 20181227 0.00168764 % 20181228 0.00168764 % 20181229 0.00168764 % 20181230 0.00168764 % 20181231 0.00168764 %