Polar Portal ########################################################## Daily and accumulated surface mass budget and melt area is calculated using output from the DMI HARMONIE-AROME IGB model. This model is run daily for weather prediction purposes and the SMB model output is provided here purely for information purposes. While we do strive to provide data in near real-time, DMI takes no responsibility for any errors, gaps or other data deficiencies or any losses suffered as a result of these. The surface mass balance model is described in Langen et al., 2017 Liquid Water Flow and Retention on the Greenland Ice Sheet in the Regional Climate Model HIRHAM5: Local and Large-Scale Impacts , Frontiers in Earth Science, 4  (https://www.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/feart.2016.00110). PLEASE NOTE: Surface mass balance is a model product augmented with observations. In an initial set-up ("assimilation") step, the HARMONIE-AROME model makes a short term forecast which is compared to meteorological observations and, if necessary, slightly corrected. This observation-enhanced model field is then used as a basis to run the dedicated surface mass balance model. This implies that the real-time calculated surface mass balance depends on the underlying operational weather model. Operational models are routinely updated, and even though the results based on the different models resemble each other, they are not identical. As a consequence, time series of the calculated surface mass balances or the comparison of results from different years should be treated with some caution. Note that the long-term climatology used in the polarportal plots (the average period from 1981-2010) are based on similar output from a different climate model, HIRHAM5 also run at DMI using the ERA-Interim reanalysis (Mottram et al., 2017 Surface mass balance of the Greenland ice sheet in the regional climate model HIRHAM5: Present state and future prospects, Journal of Low Temperature Science, 75, 105-115: https://eprints.lib.hokudai.ac.jp/dspace/bitstream/2115/65106/1/12_105-115.pdf). However, the same SMB model is used to calculate melt and SMB for the background period so that the variables are comparable. Data from this constant version is also freely available to download (see: http://www.prudence.dmi.dk/data/temp/RUM/HIRHAM/Greenland/ERAI). Please acknowledge DMI/Polar Portal if you use this data in published works. We recommend that you contact us before working with the data to avoid possible misinterpretation. Many more variables are available and we can supply further data for scientific purposes. Please contact info@polarportal.dk. ########################################################## Date SMB(Gt/day) SMBacc(Gt) 20200901 0.707 0.7 20200902 0.181 0.9 20200903 -0.263 0.6 20200904 1.664 2.3 20200905 2.206 4.5 20200906 2.825 7.3 20200907 1.017 8.3 20200908 0.898 9.2 20200909 2.586 11.8 20200910 0.779 12.6 20200911 0.586 13.2 20200912 0.208 13.4 20200913 0.149 13.5 20200914 0.381 13.9 20200915 4.428 18.4 20200916 5.132 23.5 20200917 1.900 25.4 20200918 4.147 29.5 20200919 3.349 32.9 20200920 1.225 34.1 20200921 0.999 35.1 20200922 0.565 35.7 20200923 0.146 35.8 20200924 0.494 36.3 20200925 3.357 39.7 20200926 2.451 42.1 20200927 1.454 43.6 20200928 0.356 43.9 20200929 0.638 44.6 20200930 1.413 46.0 20201001 3.074 49.1 20201002 3.943 53.0 20201003 1.685 54.7 20201004 4.241 58.9 20201005 2.790 61.7 20201006 3.122 64.8 20201007 2.961 67.8 20201008 0.401 68.2 20201009 1.038 69.2 20201010 4.777 74.0 20201011 5.135 79.1 20201012 6.149 85.3 20201013 7.135 92.4 20201014 2.421 94.9 20201015 0.692 95.5 20201016 1.517 97.1 20201017 7.582 104.6 20201018 3.080 107.7 20201019 3.605 111.3 20201020 3.120 114.4 20201021 2.720 117.2 20201022 2.386 119.6 20201023 1.571 121.1 20201024 0.315 121.4 20201025 1.506 122.9 20201026 2.861 125.8 20201027 1.245 127.1 20201028 0.832 127.9 20201029 0.627 128.5 20201030 1.515 130.0 20201031 1.556 131.6 20201101 1.303 132.9 20201102 1.954 134.8 20201103 6.254 141.1 20201104 5.142 146.2 20201105 1.859 148.1 20201106 1.512 149.6 20201107 1.892 151.5 20201108 3.854 155.4 20201109 9.947 165.3 20201110 5.864 171.2 20201111 2.208 173.4 20201112 1.081 174.5 20201113 1.287 175.7 20201114 0.779 176.5 20201115 1.685 178.2 20201116 1.140 179.3 20201117 1.102 180.4 20201118 1.791 182.2 20201119 2.799 185.0 20201120 0.829 185.9 20201121 0.875 186.7 20201122 0.569 187.3 20201123 1.055 188.4 20201124 1.471 189.8 20201125 7.002 196.8 20201126 4.801 201.6 20201127 1.824 203.5 20201128 1.198 204.7 20201129 1.138 205.8 20201130 2.183 208.0 20201201 2.228 210.2 20201202 0.912 211.1 20201203 1.517 212.6 20201204 4.227 216.9 20201205 3.744 220.6 20201206 1.386 222.0 20201207 1.342 223.3 20201208 0.951 224.3 20201209 0.867 225.2 20201210 0.736 225.9 20201211 0.696 226.6 20201212 2.099 228.7 20201213 3.211 231.9 20201214 2.225 234.1 20201215 0.930 235.1 20201216 0.562 235.6 20201217 0.538 236.2 20201218 0.291 236.4 20201219 0.488 236.9 20201220 0.289 237.2 20201221 0.885 238.1 20201222 1.853 240.0 20201223 4.197 244.2 20201224 6.382 250.5 20201225 2.538 253.1 20201226 4.389 257.5 20201227 1.403 258.9 20201228 3.496 262.4 20201229 1.985 264.3 20201230 0.869 265.2 20201231 5.970 271.2 20210101 4.977 276.2 20210102 2.201 278.4 20210103 2.918 281.3 20210104 1.428 282.7 20210105 1.463 284.2 20210106 1.943 286.1 20210107 4.685 290.8 20210108 0.554 291.4 20210109 0.177 291.5 20210110 0.964 292.5 20210111 2.537 295.0 20210112 2.184 297.2 20210113 5.039 302.3 20210114 2.692 304.9 20210115 2.449 307.4 20210116 1.361 308.8 20210117 0.991 309.7 20210118 0.520 310.3 20210119 0.084 310.4 20210120 0.470 310.8 20210121 1.776 312.6 20210122 0.510 313.1 20210123 0.503 313.6 20210124 0.669 314.3 20210125 0.622 314.9 20210126 0.655 315.6 20210127 1.351 316.9 20210128 1.367 318.3 20210129 1.776 320.1 20210130 1.185 321.2 20210131 1.244 322.5 20210201 0.924 323.4 20210202 1.739 325.1 20210203 4.584 329.7 20210204 4.845 334.6 20210205 2.148 336.7 20210206 2.517 339.2 20210207 1.795 341.0 20210208 0.548 341.6 20210209 0.763 342.3 20210210 0.947 343.3 20210211 0.788 344.1 20210212 2.363 346.4 20210213 3.878 350.3 20210214 2.883 353.2 20210215 3.408 356.6 20210216 4.182 360.8 20210217 2.114 362.9 20210218 4.170 367.1 20210219 2.785 369.9 20210220 2.468 372.3 20210221 3.531 375.9 20210222 1.652 377.5 20210223 0.582 378.1 20210224 0.604 378.7 20210225 0.899 379.6 20210226 2.300 381.9 20210227 3.910 385.8 20210228 1.447 387.3 20210301 0.874 388.1 20210302 0.096 388.2 20210303 1.895 390.1 20210304 2.393 392.5 20210305 2.320 394.8 20210306 2.649 397.5 20210307 3.813 401.3 20210308 3.378 404.7 20210309 0.798 405.5 20210310 0.286 405.8 20210311 0.273 406.0 20210312 0.392 406.4 20210313 0.566 407.0 20210314 1.732 408.7 20210315 4.635 413.4 20210316 3.665 417.0 20210317 5.871 422.9 20210318 5.628 428.5 20210319 0.783 429.3 20210320 3.473 432.8 20210321 4.430 437.2 20210322 1.211 438.4 20210323 0.832 439.2 20210324 0.437 439.7 20210325 0.356 440.0 20210326 0.291 440.3 20210327 0.561 440.9 20210328 0.316 441.2 20210329 0.285 441.5 20210330 2.686 444.2 20210331 4.403 448.6 20210401 3.117 451.7 20210402 5.493 457.2 20210403 0.829 458.0 20210404 2.792 460.8 20210405 1.861 462.7 20210406 2.943 465.6 20210407 0.535 466.2 20210408 0.056 466.2 20210409 2.585 468.8 20210410 2.143 470.9 20210411 1.813 472.8 20210412 4.701 477.5 20210413 4.224 481.7 20210414 2.422 484.1 20210415 3.221 487.3 20210416 6.215 493.5 20210417 2.341 495.9 20210418 0.910 496.8 20210419 1.220 498.0 20210420 1.214 499.2 20210421 0.320 499.5 20210422 0.184 499.7 20210423 0.418 500.1 20210424 0.813 501.0 20210425 1.683 502.6 20210426 2.820 505.5 20210427 1.624 507.1 20210428 1.471 508.6 20210429 0.861 509.4 20210430 -0.354 509.1 20210501 -0.601 508.5 20210502 -0.780 507.7 20210503 -0.507 507.2 20210504 -0.219 507.0 20210505 -0.358 506.6 20210506 0.082 506.7 20210507 0.188 506.9 20210508 0.946 507.8 20210509 0.597 508.4 20210510 1.169 509.6 20210511 0.436 510.0 20210512 0.886 510.9 20210513 0.586 511.5 20210514 0.594 512.1 20210515 -0.166 511.9 20210516 -0.221 511.7 20210517 -0.024 511.7 20210518 0.091 511.8 20210519 0.161 511.9 20210520 0.178 512.1 20210521 2.656 514.8 20210522 0.504 515.3 20210523 0.257 515.5 20210524 2.757 518.3 20210525 7.355 525.6 20210526 12.471 538.1 20210527 3.456 541.6 20210528 0.047 541.6 20210529 4.043 545.6 20210530 2.058 547.7 20210531 4.495 552.2 20210601 1.397 553.6 20210602 -0.095 553.5 20210603 -0.306 553.2 20210604 -0.399 552.8 20210605 0.059 552.9 20210606 -0.436 552.4 20210607 -0.721 551.7 20210608 -0.979 550.7 20210609 -0.686 550.0 20210610 -0.466 549.6 20210611 -0.639 548.9 20210612 -1.057 547.9 20210613 -0.707 547.2 20210614 -0.508 546.7 20210615 -0.966 545.7 20210616 -1.040 544.7 20210617 -1.470 543.2 20210618 -1.679 541.5 20210619 -1.600 539.9 20210620 -0.315 539.6 20210621 -0.685 538.9 20210622 -2.091 536.8 20210623 -0.276 536.5 20210624 4.122 540.7 20210625 1.008 541.7 20210626 0.771 542.4 20210627 -1.791 540.6 20210628 1.884 542.5 20210629 2.315 544.8 20210630 0.425 545.3 20210701 -0.717 544.6 20210702 0.030 544.6 20210703 -0.720 543.9 20210704 -0.583 543.3 20210705 -0.195 543.1 20210706 0.289 543.4 20210707 1.746 545.1 20210708 1.774 546.9 20210709 -0.513 546.4 20210710 -2.727 543.7 20210711 -1.982 541.7 20210712 -2.871 538.8 20210713 -3.868 534.9 20210714 1.147 536.1 20210715 -2.581 533.5 20210716 -1.682 531.8 20210717 -2.283 529.5 20210718 -3.322 526.2 20210719 -2.796 523.4 20210720 -1.052 522.4 20210721 -2.519 519.8 20210722 -1.578 518.3 20210723 -3.519 514.7 20210724 -1.601 513.1 20210725 -4.414 508.7 20210726 -5.275 503.5 20210727 -4.550 498.9 20210728 -8.510 490.4 20210729 -8.490 481.9 20210730 -8.824 473.1 20210731 -8.095 465.0 20210801 -7.031 458.0 20210802 -6.661 451.3 20210803 -6.382 444.9 20210804 -5.743 439.2 20210805 -5.297 433.9 20210806 -1.971 431.9 20210807 -1.366 430.5 20210808 1.388 431.9 20210809 -2.051 429.9 20210810 -2.510 427.4 20210811 -1.799 425.6 20210812 -2.207 423.4 20210813 -1.244 422.1 20210814 2.747 424.9 20210815 -0.446 424.4 20210816 -2.878 421.5 20210817 -4.780 416.8 20210818 -5.862 410.9 20210819 -4.831 406.1 20210820 -3.764 402.3 20210821 -1.977 400.3 20210822 -2.780 397.5 20210823 -3.149 394.4 20210824 -1.542 392.9 20210825 0.277 393.1 20210826 -1.157 392.0 20210827 3.314 395.3 20210828 1.801 397.1 20210829 0.878 398.0 20210830 -0.776 397.2 20210831 -0.571 396.6